Monday 3 December 2018

Crisis averted?

Finally we’ll get some action, I’m so relieved. It seems like there aren’t many people in this world who can really get things done, and despite all the whinging and bickering about the state of the planet, environmental damage and disruptions to natural cycles, nothing was being done at any level that would really make a difference. 
Sure we can recycle, sure we can choose not to keep buying throwaway fashion, sure we can limit our use of the tumble dryer and take the bus instead of the car. But how much does it matter, how much difference can we really make as a collective? It’s just not enough. We need the governments of the world to take decisive action. We need the powerful and the rich to step up and effect meaningful change that can really make a difference. 
We’ve seen this coming for decades. We’ve known the consequences of climate disruption, agricultural intensification and industrial pollution. We’ve had the knowledge and the ability to arrest the damage and prevent catastrophe. But we haven’t had the will, where it matters. Now, finally, now we have the missing piece, the game changer, the trigger that will force the elite into action. The extinction of the truffle.

This pig will need a new job.
Or not.